>> Installing The Delphi Magazine Collection 2001 To install, run SETUP.EXE in the root directory of the CD-ROM and follow the on-screen instructions. >> Uninstalling The Delphi Magazine Collection 2001 Remove the entire contents of the install directory (eg c:\tdmcoll01) and all its subdirectories. Then remove the Collection 2001 item from your Start menu (Start|Programs): delete the relevant Collection 2001 shortcut file in the Windows\start menu\programs directory. >> Manual Installation If you wish to install the Collection 2001 files manually, do the following: 1. Create a directory on your hard disk (eg c:\tdmcoll01): the install directory. 2. Copy the entire contents of the root directory of the CD-ROM into the install directory, but NOT the subdirectories. 3. Copy the entire CONTS subdirectory of the CD-ROM into a CONTS subdirectory of the install directory (eg c:\tdmcoll01\conts). 4. Copy the entire BONUS subdirectory of the CD-ROM, but NOT the subdirectories, into a BONUS subdirectory of the install directory (eg c:\tdmcoll01\BONUS). 5. If you do NOT want to install the companion disk files onto your hard disk, copy the entire DISKS subdirectory of the CD-ROM, but NOT the subdirectories, into a DISKS subdirectory of the install directory (eg c:\tdmcoll01\DISKS). The files you have copied are the source code cross reference files; if you choose not to copy all the companion disk files then you will need to insert the CD-ROM when you want to access these files. OR... If you DO want to install the companion disk files onto your hard disk, copy the entire DISKS subdirectory of the CD-ROM, INCLUDING the subdirectories, into a DISKS subdirectory of the install directory (eg c:\tdmcoll01\DISKS). 6. If you DO want to install the article files onto your hard disk, copy the entire PDF subdirectory (and its subdirectories) of the CD-ROM into a PDF subdirectory of the install directory (eg c:\tdmcoll01\PDF). If you choose not to copy all the article files then you will need to insert the CD-ROM when you want to access these files. 7. Remove the read-only attribute from the installed files. From the DOS prompt, with the install directory as the current directory, type: ATTRIB -R *.* /S The CD browser, TDMBrowse, will NOT work fully unless you do this. 8. Run TDMBROWSE.EXE from the install directory and choose Options on the menu. Set up the options as described in the Help.